Salyersville, Kentucky has 5 Used Car Dealerships, with a population of 1.8 thousand, there is 1 Used Car Dealership for every 365 people. Salyersville is ranked 130th of 1258 cities in Kentucky for Used Car Dealerships per capita.
Find Salyersville Used Car Dealerships addresses, and lookup phone numbers, hours & services.
1081 Auto Mart 3437 Coon Crk Salyersville, 41465
Connelley Brothers Auto Sales & Wrecker Services New Cars, Used Cars 293 Middle Frk Salyersville, 41727
Ivy Point Motors 768 Hwy 460 W Salyersville, 41465
Summit Motors 180 E Mtn Pkwy Salyersville, 41465
Superior Auto Mart 379 E Mtn Pkwy Salyersville, 41465