Milford Car Dealerships

Milford, Ohio has 8 Car Dealerships, with a population of 6.8 thousand, there is 1 Car Dealership for every 853 people. Milford is ranked 110th of 1454 cities in Ohio for Car Dealerships per capita.

All Car Dealerships in Milford, Ohio

Find Milford Car Dealerships addresses, and lookup phone numbers, hours & services.

Affordable Used Cars 749 I St Rte 28 Milford, 45150

Car Mart Express 1235 Oh-28 Milford, 45150

Crossroads Car & Truck Cars, Used Cars 928 State Rte 28 Milford, 45150

Mid-America Auto Group 984 St Rte 28 Milford, 45150

Mike Castrucci Chevrolet 1099 Lila Ave Milford, 45150

Mike Castrucci Ford 1020 State Rte 28 Milford, 45150

Mulberry Motors 1065 State Rte 28 Milford, 45150

Premier Automotive 1140 Main St Milford, 45150