Middleville, Michigan has 4 Used Car Dealerships, with a population of 3.4 thousand, there is 1 Used Car Dealership for every 84 people. Middleville is ranked 192nd of 1091 cities in Michigan for Used Car Dealerships per capita.
Find Middleville Used Car Dealerships addresses, and lookup phone numbers, hours & services.
Clare Harkema Harkema Automotive New Cars, Used Cars 4600 N M 37 Hwy Middleville, 49333
Flanery Enterprises 11446 W M 179 Hwy Middleville, 49333
HearseWorks New Cars, Used Cars 4600 N M 37 Hwy Middleville, 49333
McKibbin Dick Car Sales New Cars, Used Cars 3030 S Yankee Spgs Rd Middleville, 49333