Decatur, Indiana has 12 Car Dealerships, with a population of 9.5 thousand, there is 1 Car Dealership for every 791 people. Decatur is ranked 67th of 865 cities in Indiana for Car Dealerships per capita.
Find Decatur Car Dealerships addresses, and lookup phone numbers, hours & services.
Bill Miller's Auto Sales 722 W Monroe St Decatur, 46733
Courtesey Ford Of Decatur 1311 S 13th St Decatur, 46733
Courtesy Ford 1341 S 13th St Decatur, 46733
Custom Car Care Hwy 27 & US 224 Decatur, 46733
Custom Car Care 603 N 13th St Decatur, 46733
Custom Car Care 1410 Nuttman Ave Decatur, 46733
Kelley Courtesy 1313 S 13th St Decatur, 46733
McKean Auto Sales 939 N 13th St Decatur, 46733
Shaffer Investment Auto US 27 N Decatur, 46733
Shifferly Dodge 704 N 13th St Decatur, 46733
Standard Auto Sales 330 E Monroe St Decatur, 46733
Tom Kelley Ford 1313 S 13th St Decatur, 46733